Miss me ?
Well i did y'all too 
Publishing this post cos its winter time out and i still got these pictures in my draft box .Cant believe I'm wearing that in such weather condition , Sui you're such an extremist.
 Anyways its time for some sunshine . Right time to spring clean your entire life- Wardrobe, Car, Apartment its that  detox for your year .
Originally  Spring cleaning is the practise of thoroughly cleaning a house in springtime but this can also apply to every aspect of you .Decluttering can be taxing but you shouldn't find it depressing. The rule is if you haven't worn for 6 months to one year you gotta let it go .
Start by making three piles 

  • Charity - for items that can still be reworn , Your gabbage can be someone Else's prize .
  • Storage - these should be items you wont be needing for the next couple months cos they are winter coats and boots . set them aside- out of the way.
  • Gabbage - for items that are damaged , unfixable and definitely unwearable 
Knowing that trend is cyclical might make you wanna hold on to things , but it really is about what works for you cos i have the same issue i always feel like its gonna return and I'm gonna need it. It just leaves me with a bunch of boxes with no where to fit them. Ask yourself ( Is it a great basic piece ?, will you honestly repair it? , is it a costume? , or your wedding dress ?)Decide if it needs to be Kept , Swapped , Sold, Donated or Trashed .

Organise first  , then buy you need so you  already have room for the new stuff .
Try to go easy don't set  aside an entire day to do all cos it'll burn you out ,its much better to spend a few hours on each space .And you'll do just fine I'm taking this week to do this , might wanna consider it it'll leave you with a smaller wardrobe and then you get to restocking 
New pieces , purchase only what you need . I know its tough but you gotta resist going over your budget .
Great day beauties !

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